17th Graduation Ceremony
17th Graduation Ceremony
17th Graduation Ceremony
17th Graduation Ceremony
17th Graduation Ceremony
The ITA Deputy Rector for Planning, Finance and Administration Mr. Emanuel Masalu (Centre) in a group photo with senior officials from ITA, the Federation of East Africa Freight Forwarders Association (FEAFFA) and Tanzania Freight Forwarders Association (TAFFA) after a meeting to lay down the foundation for the establishment of the National Curriculum Implementation Committee (NCIC) for the East Africa Clearing and Freight Forwarding Practicing Certificate (CFFPC) programme.
The Rector of the Institute of Tax Administration (ITA) Prof. Isaya Jairo (Seated c) in a group photo after officially opening the second batch of the Leadership Programme on Supervisory Managerial Skills for DMs and In charges of Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA).
Members of the ITA Governing Council after attending the 'Corporate Governance Issues' training conducted by ITA
ITA Rector Prof. Isaya Jairo (r) presenting a Certificate to the ITA Governing Council Chairman Dr. Samwel Werema after completing a Training on 'Corporate Governance Issues'
MultiPurpose Hall
Posing for a group photo (Front row) after the 13th Graduation Ceremony are:- The guest of honour Mr. Fredrick Mwakibinga (center), TRA Deputy Commissioner General Mr. Msafiri Mbibo (3rd r), South Sudan Commissioner General Dr. Patrick Mugoya (2nd R), and Comoro Revenue Authority Commissioner General Mr. Hamadi Mohamed Soihir. Others are:- ITA Governing Council Chairman Dr. Samwel Werema (3rd L), ITA Rector Prof. Isaya Jairo ( 2nd L) and South Sudan Commissioner for Support Services Mr. Daniel Magot Deng


  Selected Applicants for CFFPC MARCH INTAKE 2024/2025 




















































































Finance Manager

 Charles Lugemalila

Senior Accountant

  1. Mr Furaha Mafuru

Assistant Accountant

  1. Ms. Yustina Mushi
  2. Ms. Erica Nyamwanga

Accounts Assistant

  1. Mr. Vicent Kishiwa



Senior Human Resources Officer

  1. Mr. Bilal S. Mshoro


  1. Ms. Nyakiro Christopher
  2. Ms. Christina Ladislaus
  3. Ms  Naima Juma Kawambwa

Assistant Record Management Officer

  1. Ms. Ruth Witu 

Office Attendant

  1. Ms. Herieth Laizer


  1. Mr. Vicent Ugulumu


  1. Mr.Dennis Michael
  2. Mr. David Kibagata
  3. Mr. Alphonce Ngaila
  4. Mr. Mtoro Muwinge
  5. Mr. Ignas Mwambahesa
  6. Mr. Issa Issa



Principal Public Relations Officer

  1. Ms. Oliver Njunwa



Principal Procurement Officer

  1. Ms. Juliana Musomi

Supplies Officers

  1. Ms. Grace Swai



Principal Estates Officer

  1. Ms. Joyce Mwaifuge



Principal Warden

     1. Beatrice Magula


  1. Mrs. Angelina Jaggadi



Senior Research Officer

  1. Mrs. Sylvia Kaungamno



Library  Assistants

  1. Mr. Grace Mvamba
  2. Mr. Edmund Mgendi
  3. Mr. Edwin Matemanga
  4. Ms. Amina Chonde









Senior Instructors

  1. Dr. Kasty Phelicean B.Com (Dar), MBA (Dar), MCA (Munster), PhD (Dar)

Assistant lecturers

  1. Mr. Ahmad Mohamed, ADA (CBE), CPA (T), MA.RLA (Dar), Dip. Ed. (Al-Haramain)
  2. Mr. Amos Benjamin, BA. Econ. Hons. (Dar), MCA (Munster)
  3. Ms. Mary Ruhara, BCTM (ITA), MA (Berlin)
  4. Mr. Michael J. Marere, LL.B(MU), LLM (Dar)




  1. Prof. Isaya J. Jairo, B.Com. Hons. (Dar), MSc Accounting & Finance (Stirling), Ph.D Finance (Strathclyde), PGC-Project Mgt. (Connecticut), ACPA (T) - NBAA

Senior Lecturers:

  1. Dr. Lewis J. Ishemoi, ADTM, PGDTM (IFM), Cert. in Financial Analysis and Management (TAMI), MBA Inter. Taxation (Staffordshire), Ph.D (Groningen)

Principal Instructors:

  1. **Mrs. Asha Nassor, LL.B (Dar), LL.M (Dar), Dip. Ed. (Korogwe), Advocate



  1. Mr. Emmanuel Masalu, ADCA (IDM), CPA (T), MTG (Utrecht)
  2. Mr. Joseph Chikongoye, ADEP (IDM), PGDTM (IFM), MSc Fiscal Studies (Bath)
  3. Mr. Phillip Mbati, B.Com (Dar), CPA (T), MSc. Finance (Strathclyde), PGDT (ITA)
  4. Ms. Pilly Marwa, ADA, PGDTM (IFM), MSc. Pub. Policy & Taxation (Yokohama)

Senior Instructors

  1. Mrs. Asha Nassor, LL.B (Dar), LL.M (Dar), Dip. Ed. (Korogwe), Advocate

Assistant Lecturers

  1. Mr. Richard Donati, ADTM (IFM), MA (London)
  2. Ms. Rosemary Mwandu, ADA (SAUT), PGDT (ITA), MA.RLA (Dar)
  3. Mr. Praygod Chao, ADA (IAA), PGDA (IAA), MIT (Dar)
  4. Ms. Rufina Milamo, BAF (MU), MSc. Applied Economics (Adelaide)
  5. Mr. Ryoba Mzalendo, BAF (MU), MIB (Dar)
  6. **Mr. Haji J. Mkwawa, BA, LL.B (Mysore), LL.M (Dar)
  7. Mr. Pascal Gomba, BCTM (ITA), MA.RLA (Dar)
  8. Ms. Evelyne Mwambije, BCTM (ITA), MA (Berlin)
  9. Ms. Hamida Msofe, ADA (IFM), PGDBM (London School of Commerce), MBA. Int. Business (Wales), MSc. Management Consultancy (Liverpool), CPA (T)
  10. Ms. Rukayya S. Abdallah, BCTM (ITA), MA.RLA (Dar)

Tutorial Assistants

  1. Mr. August O. Kessy, BA. Econ.& Soc. (Dar), CPA(T)
  2. *Mr. Elly Mloso, BAF (MU), CPA (T)
  3. *Mr. Noah Athanas, BAF (MU), CPA (T)
  4. *Mr. Innocent Nyamfulula, BAcc. (TIA), CPA (T)



  1. Dr. Amos Ibrahim, B.Com (Dar), CPA (T), MA. Economics (Waseda), Ph.D Econ (Waseda)
  2. Dr. Masoud Al-biman BA. Economics (ZU), Msc. Economics (University Putra, Malaysia), PhD Econ(UniSZA)
  3. Dr. Heriel Nguvava, Bcom(Dar), MBA Finance (OUT), Phd Finance (OUT)

Senior Instructor

  1. Mrs. Tunu Mwiru, BA (Dar), PGDT (IFM), MSc. Finance (Strathclyde)

Assistant Lecturers

  1. Mr. Justin Musa, BA. Hons. (Dar), MA. (Makerere)
  2. ***Ms. Caroline Mutayabarwa, BSc. Home Economics (SUA), MBA (Wuhan)
  3. Mr. Jasson K. Domitian BAF(SJUT), Msc. Accounting (SJUT)






  1. Mr.  Baraka pius