17th Graduation Ceremony
17th Graduation Ceremony
17th Graduation Ceremony
17th Graduation Ceremony
17th Graduation Ceremony
The ITA Deputy Rector for Planning, Finance and Administration Mr. Emanuel Masalu (Centre) in a group photo with senior officials from ITA, the Federation of East Africa Freight Forwarders Association (FEAFFA) and Tanzania Freight Forwarders Association (TAFFA) after a meeting to lay down the foundation for the establishment of the National Curriculum Implementation Committee (NCIC) for the East Africa Clearing and Freight Forwarding Practicing Certificate (CFFPC) programme.
The Rector of the Institute of Tax Administration (ITA) Prof. Isaya Jairo (Seated c) in a group photo after officially opening the second batch of the Leadership Programme on Supervisory Managerial Skills for DMs and In charges of Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA).
Members of the ITA Governing Council after attending the 'Corporate Governance Issues' training conducted by ITA
ITA Rector Prof. Isaya Jairo (r) presenting a Certificate to the ITA Governing Council Chairman Dr. Samwel Werema after completing a Training on 'Corporate Governance Issues'
MultiPurpose Hall
Posing for a group photo (Front row) after the 13th Graduation Ceremony are:- The guest of honour Mr. Fredrick Mwakibinga (center), TRA Deputy Commissioner General Mr. Msafiri Mbibo (3rd r), South Sudan Commissioner General Dr. Patrick Mugoya (2nd R), and Comoro Revenue Authority Commissioner General Mr. Hamadi Mohamed Soihir. Others are:- ITA Governing Council Chairman Dr. Samwel Werema (3rd L), ITA Rector Prof. Isaya Jairo ( 2nd L) and South Sudan Commissioner for Support Services Mr. Daniel Magot Deng


  Selected Applicants for CFFPC MARCH INTAKE 2024/2025 



















































































Master of Arts in Revenue Law and Administration (MARLA)


Programme Overview


This programme is offered in collaboration between ITA and two internationally celebrated universities, the University of Münster in Germany and University of Dar es Salaam. The programme is designed to cater for the needs of high level manpower in the whole of Africa for organizations dealing in Customs and/or Taxation (Policy, Law and Practice) both in the public sector and in the private sector. The programme allows specialization in either taxation or customs.


Program Structure


This is a two semester program, semester one carries four compulsory modules with the option of one elective from three modules. Semester two carries three compulsory modules with the option of one elective from three modules.


Structure of MARLA programme



Compulsory Courses



LW 701

Tax Policy and Theory

LW 701

Tax Policy and Theory

PS 601

Research Methods

PS 601

Research Methods

LW 702

Income Tax Law

LW 706 

Indirect Taxes

MRA 600

Revenue Forecasting & Fiscal Analysis

LW 712 

Private International Trade &Finance Law

Elective Courses



LW 707 

Capital Gains and Taxes on Property

LW 702

Income Tax Law

LW 706 

Indirect Taxes

MRA 600

Revenue Forecasting & Fiscal Analysis

LW 708

Tax Crimes : Investigations & Prosecutions

LW 708 

Tax Crimes : Investigations & Prosecution


Compulsory Courses



LW 704 

Laws on Tax Administration

MRA 601 

Customs Management : Theory & Practice

LW 705 

International Taxation

LW 703 

Taxes on International Trade

LW 719 

Graduate Essay

LW 719 

Graduate Essay

Elective Courses



MRA 602 

Tax Compliance and Risk Management

MRA 602 

Tax Compliance and Risk Management

LW 710 

Advanced Taxation

LW 713 

Public International Trade Law

LW 709 

Local Government Taxation

LW 704

Laws on Tax Administration