July 2nd |
Mon |
Commencement of field attachment for BCTM, PGDT Regular Commencement of field attachment for DCTM1 |
July 6th |
Fri |
End of Semester II Examinations for BCTM, PGDT Regular End of final exams for CFFPC Full time (March Intake) End of Timed test 1 for PGDT Executive and CFFPC Part time (March Intake) |
July 7th |
Sat |
Saba Saba Day (Public Holiday) |
July 9th |
Mon |
Commencement of Field practicum for BCTM and PGDT Regular programmes |
July 14th |
Sat |
Viva voce for PGDT (Executive) research projects |
July 16th |
Mon |
Call for application into CFFPC, CCTM, DCTM, BCTM, and PGDT Regular programmes |
July 20th |
Fri |
Viva voce for PGDT Regular Research projects |
July 23rd |
Mon |
Examiner’s Board Meeting Declaration of BCTM, PGDT Regular and CFFPC Full time (March Intake) Examination Results |
July 25th |
Wed |
Heroes Day (Public Holiday) |
July 27th |
Fri |
Deadline for submission of PGDT Executive Research Projects End of Field Practicum for DCTM year one programme |
August 8th |
Wed |
Governing Council meeting Approval of examination results Quarterly Progress Report |
August 8th |
Wed |
Nane Nane Day (Public Holiday) |
August 13th |
Mon |
Semester II Week 23 Begins |
August 17th |
Fri |
End of final examination PGDT Executive Commencement of Field Practicum for BCTM and PGDT Regular programmes QMS Meeting Ethics Committee Meeting |
August 18th |
Sat |
Viva voce for PGDT Regular Field practicum |
August 20th |
Mon |
Supplementary and Special Examinations Begin Commencement Timed test II for PGDT Executive and CFFPC Part time (March Intake) |
August 22nd |
Wed |
Eid El Hajj(Public Holiday) |
August 24th |
Fri |
Supplementary and Special Examinations End Timed test II for PGDT Executive and CFFPC Part time (March Intake) End Aptitude test for TRA employees sponsorship |
August 29th |
Wed |
Examiners Board Meeting |
August 31st |
Fri |
End of Field Practicum for BCTM programme |
September 3rd |
Mon |
Appointment of Graduation Committee |
September 10th |
Mon |
End of classes for PGDT Executive and CFFPC Part time (March Intake) |
September 12th |
Wed |
Governing Council meeting Approval of examination results Classification of Awards |
September 14th |
Fri |
QMS Meeting Ethics Committee Meeting |
September 17th |
Mon |
Commencement of final exams for PGDT Executive and CFFPC Part time (March Intake) |
September 21st |
Fri |
End of final exams for PGDT Executive and CFFPC Part time (March Intake) |
September 30th |
Wed |
Examiners’ Board Declaration of PGDT Executive and CFFPC Part time (March Intake) final exams results |
October 10th |
Wed |
Governing Council meeting Approval of examination results Quarterly progress reports Graduation preparation report |
October 12th |
Fri |
End of Field Practicum for BCTM and PGDT programmes |
October 14th |
Sun |
Nyerere Day (Public Holiday) |
October 15th |
Mon |
Academic Staff Meeting |
October 17th |
Fri |
QMS Meeting Ethics Committee Meeting |
October 22nd |
Mon |
Orientation and Registration of Fresh Students Begins |
October 29th |
Mon |
October 29th |
Mon |
Class Session for Semester 1 Begins Registration of Continuing Students Begins |
November 3rd |
Saturday |
Viva Voce for DCTM Field Practicum |
November 6th |
Tue |
Final Announcements of BCTM admitted students |
November 7th |
Wed |
Governing Council meeting Graduation preparation progress report |
November 9th |
Fri |
End of Registration for Fresh and Continuing Students |
November 10th |
Saturday |
Viva Voce of BCTM Field Practicum |
November 17th |
Sat |
November 21st |
Wed |
*Maulid Day (Public Holiday) |
November 26th |
Mon |
Deadline for submitting all students registered in 2018/19 Academic year to TCU |
December 3rd |
Mon |
Call for Applications into CFFPC March Intake Mid Semester (Test 1) Sessions Begin |
December 9th |
Sun |
Independence Day (Public Holiday) |
December 24th |
Mon |
Test I Sessions for Executive and Part Time Programmes Begin |
December 25th |
Tue |
Christmas Day (Public Holiday) |
December 26th |
Wed |
Boxing Day (Public Holiday) |
January 1st |
Tue |
January 1st |
Tue |
New Year’s Day(Public Holiday) |
January 11th |
Fri |
Library committee Meeting Viva Voce for PGDT Executive Field Practicum |
January 12th |
Sat |
Zanzibar Revolution Day (Public Holiday) |
January 14th |
Mon |
Test II Sessions Begin |
January 16th |
Wed |
GOVERNING COUNCIL MEETING Quarterly Progress Reports |
January 18th |
Fri |
QMS Meeting Ethics Committee Meeting Test II Sessions End |
January 19th |
Sat |
Viva Voce for PGDT Research Projects |
January 30th |
Wed |
Deadline for receiving applications into CFFPC March Intake |
February 1st |
Fri |
Deadline for submission of students’ continuous assessment. Deadline for submission of students’ performance reports to Heads of Academic Departments. |
February 4th |
Mon |
Admission Committee Meeting Selection of CFFPC March Intake students |
February 11th |
Mon |
Semester I Examination Sessions Begin |
February 22nd |
Fri |
Semester I Examination Session End |
February 25th |
Mon |
Test II Sessions for Executive and CFFPC Part Time Programmes Begin |
March 4th |
Mon |
Orientation for CFFPC Full Time March Intake begin |
March 8th |
Fri |
Orientation for CFFPC Full Time March Intake Ends |
March 11th |
Mon |
Semester 2 Classes begin Commencement of classes for CFFPC Full Time March Intake Academic Staff Meeting |
March 13th |
Wed |
Examiner’s Board Meeting |
March 25th |
Mon |
Semester I Exams Sessions for Executive and CFFPC Part Time Programmes Begin |
April 5th |
Fri |
Semester I Exam Sessions for Executive and Part Time Programmes End |
April 7th |
Sun |
Karume Day (Public Holiday) |
April 11th |
Thu |
QMS Meeting |
April 12th |
Fri |
Ethics Committee Meeting |
April 15th |
Mon |
Test I Sessions Begin |
April 17th |
Wed |
GOVERNING COUNCIL MEETING Quarterly Progress Report Approval of Examination Results |
April 18th |
Thu |
Test I Sessions End |
April 19th |
Fri |
Good Friday(Public Holiday) |
April 21st |
Sun |
Easter Sunday(Public Holiday) |
April 22nd |
Mon |
Easter Monday(Public Holiday) |
April 23th |
Tue |
Semester II Class Sessions for PGDT Executive Begin Classes for CFFPC Part Time March Intake Begin |
April 25th |
Thu |
Library committee Meeting |
April 26th |
Fri |
Union Day (Public Holiday) |
May 1st |
Wed |
Labour Day (Public Holiday) |
May 17th |
Fri |
ITASO General Election |
May 20th |
Mon |
Test II Sessions Begin |
May 24th |
Fri |
Test II Sessions End |
June 5th |
Wed |
Eid ul Fitr |
June 14th |
Fri |
End of Semester II Classes |
June 17th |
Mon |
Semester II Exam Sessions Begin Test I Sessions for PGDT Executive and CFFPC Part Time Begin |
June 20th |
Thu |
ITA Staff Meeting |
June 21st |
Fri |
Test I Sessions for PGDT Executive and CFFPC Part Time End |
June 28th |
Fri |
Semester II Exam Sessions End End of Semester 2 |
July 8th |
Mon |
Field Practicums for DCTM, BCTM and PGDT Regular Begin |
July 10th |
Wed |
QMS Meeting |
July 11th |
Thu |
Ethics Committee Meeting |
July 12th |
Fri |
GOVERNING COUNCIL MEETING Annual/Quarterly Progress Report |
July 16th |
Tue |
Examiner’s Board Meeting |
July 25th |
Thu |
Heroes Day |
July 31st |
Wed |
GOVERNING COUNCIL MEETING Approval of Examination Results |
August 5th |
Mon |
Test II Sessions for PGDT Executive and CFFPC Part Time Begin |
August 8th |
Thu |
Nane Nane Day (Public Holiday) |
August 11th |
Sun |
*Eid El Hajj(Public Holiday) |
August 16th |
Fri |
Library committee Meeting Test II Sessions for PGDT Executive and CFFPC Part Time Begin |
August 30th |
Fri |
Field Practicums for DCTM, BCTM and PGDT Regular End |
September 2nd |
Mon |
Viva Voce for PGDT Regular Field Practicum |
September 3rd |
Tue |
Appointment of Graduation Committee |
September 4th |
Wed |
Viva Voce for PGDT Regular Research Projects |
September 6th |
Fri |
Examiners’ Board Meeting Deliberation of PGDT Annual Results |
September 9th |
Mon |
Semester II Exam Sessions for PGDT Executive Begin Final Examinations for CFFPC Part Time March Intake Begin |
September 16th |
Mon |
Supplementary and Special Examinations Begin |
September 20th |
Fri |
Semester II Exam Sessions for PGDT Executive Begin Final Examinations for CFFPC Part Time March Intake End Supplementary and Special Examinations End |
October 11th |
Fri |
Library committee Meeting |
October 14th |
Mon |
Nyerere Day (Public Holiday) |
October 15th |
Tue |
Academic Staff Meeting |
October 17th |
Thu |
QMS Meeting |
October 18th |
Fri |
Ethics Committee Meeting |
October 21st |
Mon |
Orientation of New Fresh Students Begins |
October 21st |
Mon |
November 10th |
Sun |
*Maulid Day(Public Holiday) |
November 16th |
Sat |
GRADUATION DAY 12th Graduation Ceremony |
December 2th |
Mon |
Test I Sessions Begin Call for Applications into CFFPC March Intake |
December 6th |
Fri |
Test I Sessions End |
December 9th |
Mon |
Independence Day(Public Holiday) |
December 23th |
Mon |
Test I Sessions for Executive and CFFPC Part Time Programmes Begin |
December 25th |
Wed |
Christ Mass Day(Public Holiday) |
December 26th |
Thu |
Boxing Day(Public Holiday) |
Jan 1st |
Wed |
Jan 1st |
Wed |
New Year’s Day(Public Holiday) |
* Depending on sighting of the moon